

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Devil's Silence

Before me lays a glass.
It's so huge, a sphere encircling me.
There's a fading paint
That fades each day;
More and more day by day.

Now that I can see through
A bright brutal massacre,
I wonder why do they kill?
What do they fear?
What wrong have they done?

Though no sound is heard
The glass saves me from the cries
And I am in a devil like silence
Watching like a stone
Dead bodies falling in each blink.

They say they are terrorists
But they are terror striken.
Had they called the God another name
They wouldn't have suffered so much.
Their mistake was their faith.

The scene moves closer each day
And one day they will break this glass as well
And then I shall scream to death
And break this devil's silence
For I too had believed.

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Refugee Camp

Had he but spared the forbidden fruit
Heaven shall have witnessed more crimes.
But a whole new race was brought
On here on earth as refugees.

“Oh men! Live, love, eat and drink
But do not exceed.” God said the farewell note.
Oh the Mercy chose to save the disobedient man.
And here on earth we are refugees.

None but the most Merciful could grant
Such a lovely grand refugee camp.
Here we lived, ruled and conquered
But forgot ‘ we are refugees.’

Erase the green, pollute the blue
And remove the strong dark mountains.
Worship the sun, worship the moon
And worship all that u may find.

Create myths, write legends
And perish in fantasies.
Choose the best fool to rule
And protest on the land's laws.

Use, misuse and then abuse.
Exploit, humiliate and then repeat.
Destroy the tiny globe in the vast universe.
But do not ask for another refugee camp.

Saturday, April 1, 2017

The sparrow drove the Pegasus

The sparrow drove the Pegasus.
Why if she could fly alone?

For she owned a heart that throbs
To quench the parches of those nerves.

That bleeds her throat in thirst
Never allows her to sing at ease.

The bloody and bloodless bonds
Knocked down her little wings.

The sparrow drove the Pegasus
To go beyond her reach.

Saturday, February 25, 2017

Let the pillow alone know her name.

Veiled in rage she came out.
Ah! The light she had seen at last.
She had stood at door with doubt.
Alas, now came out with a blast.

She had deep stories to tell
But chose to shout the least of words.
Fearful if those drops may fell,
She herself adorned against all worlds.

Too proud to think she's weak,
That all may think but she's not.
She is strong; strong at the peak
And trench of the heart's every note.

And then she knew the eyes would fail.
So she did come with her veil
To hide and cover all her shame;
Let the pillow alone know her name.