

Thursday, June 8, 2017

The Refugee Camp

Had he but spared the forbidden fruit
Heaven shall have witnessed more crimes.
But a whole new race was brought
On here on earth as refugees.

“Oh men! Live, love, eat and drink
But do not exceed.” God said the farewell note.
Oh the Mercy chose to save the disobedient man.
And here on earth we are refugees.

None but the most Merciful could grant
Such a lovely grand refugee camp.
Here we lived, ruled and conquered
But forgot ‘ we are refugees.’

Erase the green, pollute the blue
And remove the strong dark mountains.
Worship the sun, worship the moon
And worship all that u may find.

Create myths, write legends
And perish in fantasies.
Choose the best fool to rule
And protest on the land's laws.

Use, misuse and then abuse.
Exploit, humiliate and then repeat.
Destroy the tiny globe in the vast universe.
But do not ask for another refugee camp.